From time to time when we travel or just anywhere really, we come across images that we love, many of which inspire us for our work. Sometimes the colour or even just the mood projected gives us a feeling or an idea; not always for now but for sometime in the future. In Lunenburg for instance where we went for Moby Dick inspiration, we ended up being much more interested in worn paint. Ken will often take pictures of of weathered buildings which inspire him for breakdown on sets.

Vancouver Yaletown in foggy sunlight. The sun sits just above the fog creating an intriguing smudge.


Artichokes for sale at Sunday market in Isle sur Sorges, France. The markets are bursting with colour

Nova Scotia

Elegant display in Paris shop window

Natural breakdown on old wall

Repetition is always interesting.

Take Me Out

Habeas Corpus

You Never Can Tell

She Loves Me

Nothing Sacred

You Never Can Tell

The Dishwashers

Graffiti scratched into abandoned shop window


Chrysler Building got bent out of shape in Design for Living